Hi Adam,You're already 90 percent of the way there; you just need to alter your last line to<a href='http://printingforless1.com/ps/Survey/NPS?order=$lastItem.orderNumber'>Take our...
Right now, your form row is acting as a block element and forcing the button to the next line, so you'll want to add .mktoFormRow { display: inline-block;}to your CSS, which will l...
Hi Kanako,In your first LP, there's a CSS block on the template between lines 81 and 196 that's manipulating the layout. In your second LP, there's no such setup.
Hi Greg,On one hand, I see what you're doing with this framework, but that also seems like a lot of work. I'd really just recommend using a CSS reset to make multiple columns behav...
Hi Pete,Assuming you're using guided landing pages and not desktop/mobile free-form landing pages, I'd probably just use one of the out of the box solutions like FitVids.JS - A lig...
Hi Angela,There's a few different ways to approach this issue:The simplest would be to make sure all of your relevant sends are associated to Campaigns in Salesforce with Campaign ...
Hi Chelsey,To further elaborate on Greg's notes, recording multiple opens is for all intents and purposes undoable at scale. Lots of newer email servers and major providers such as...
Oh, Gravity Forms.That said, there's an out-of-the-box feature for this: see Change Form Label Position - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation on how to switch to "Above".
There is no such thing as best, only what's best for you and your company. Sorry.With that in mind, if you're looking to pick a CRM vendor, there's some major questions to keep in ...
Hi David,What looks like happened here is that someone wrote a CSS override specifically on ADV-IFRS-17-NA.html on line 78:.mktoFormRow label[for="MarketingCommPreferences__c"] { d...