Hi Janice,When using hint text in Forms 2.0, Marketo actually renders the text as input placeholders, which are not supported by IE8/IE9. However, there is a workaround for this! M...
Hi Nichole,
Your problem is on line 309:
#bodyId .mktoForm .mktoButtonRow { display:block; text-align:right; }
To fix this, you simply need to have your desktop version of mktoButt...
What may be a possibility is to use the minimum number of times constraint on your Visit Web Page filter, depending on what you expect the range of potential visits to be; I would ...
Unfortunately, the way Ghostery blocks Marketo directly conflicts with Forms 2.0 placed on external pages; you can get around this by embedding the original form style or using the...
Hi Michael,The key to preserving special characters when doing list uploads is to make sure that your list is saved with UTF-8 formatting. Excel, by default, formats entries as Win...
Hi Pablo,Assuming that there are no duplicate emails in your Excel spreadsheet, you can simply update the First Name and Last Name columns on your sheet and upload them again along...
The only thing I would add to this is when you use the "View as Web Page" link included with an email is that if you are not cookied as a known lead when viewing the link as hosted...
There are some specific media queries called in forms2.css that handle this behavior; simply add your own media queries to override Marketo's default behavior.