Hi Christina!I definitely feel your pain when it comes to Person Accounts and Marketo. It's important to remember that just like with traditional B2B Salesforce setups, Marketo can...
Hi Lana,In terms of technical tracking? No, you can't see if someone downloads a whitepaper and clicks a link to say, www.google.com. What you can (and should) do, however, is set ...
Both the SOAP and REST API have access to Interesting Moments. With SOAP's getLeadActivity you need to set your includeType to filter for the activityType InterestingMoment. With t...
Hi Menaka,You can change the view on your Smart List to include the SFDC ID (or as many or little fields as you'd like) to avoid having to export all columns.
Hi Kimberly,Thankfully, that's pretty straightforward to do. You would simply edit your Forms 2.0 embed from<script src="//[marketo server]/js/forms2/js/forms2.js"></script><formid...
Hi Kimberly,Are you tracking form submissions as events or goals in Google Analytics? Are your triggers firing on the default form event that ships with GTM or are you using a cust...
Hi Kaitlin,This is possible, but you're going to need to use a little bit of JavaScript. That being said, you have a few different options (as always.) I'd recommend going the lazy...
Hi Kristen,So, several things are at play here.1. It looks like you built this landing page with free-form landing page templates and the image is placed as an element on that page...
Much like Sanford, I've found anti-spam/anti-malware software are logging clicks for emails—without even flagging the email as opened, no less. They almost always have the UA Mozil...
Hi JD,So, I'm a little curious as to why you're using program-level tokens to achieve this task. If you have an ever-changing list, is it dependent on the program or an overall pie...