You might want to look at the Bulk Extract API for activities. It has its own issues but it's more straightforward with the Bulk Extract to just slurp all activities in a date rang...
Kenny,Just re-read the comments here. Through Bulk Extract API for activity, we get many records with an empty "" marketoGUID. We see this on multiple Marketo instances. I've also ...
Would love to see compression on the file level more than the http transfer level in order to extend the quota.Would also love to see CSVs not contain the word null for null values...
Hi Carrie,There is a Bulk Extract API now for activities. You can use a filter of up to 30 days at a time, and you can specify the activity types.
Working with the Bulk API, have a few questions about it.1. What's the easiest way to just get all leads for an initial sync via the bulk API? You need to have a filter. Say I have...
For Bulk Activity Export - exporting a file it is both stored as plain text and transmitted without gzip compression.This data is repetitive and compresses very well. In my analysi...
Those are lead fields and not activity fields.You will get an activity for change data value for these when they change, like if first name changes the new first name will be in th...
Ok. Apologies, as a programmer I've become accustomed to forums and communities like Stack and github, where people discuss pretty much everything publicly which means other people...
First, I wanted to say thanks to Kenny etc at Marketo for shipping the Bulk API, right now you're hearing/dealing with launch issues but I want to step back a moment and say I'm VE...