so the revisit alert is when the lead is visiting the website?May have to change your flows to 'only once' or use filter on your triggers to minimum of 1.Or use batch campaigns wit...
What kind of notification are your sales team getting?
is it a Task being generated with a notification?
Alert email?
Do you have Marketo Sales Insight?With this you can push ...
There was an update to the developers site regarding emabeding Forms 2.0 to non marketo pages, check this area out:
sure,just will have to make sure about what they have already recieved in that stream in the past. member of X, was delivered x etc.Its not an ideal solution, just a workaround.May...
Have you tried to push that set of people out to another stream so they don't get the email?Run a smart campaign to find and remove from your stream and add them to another stream,...
Want to be able to add a field below the progressive profile field set. At the moment the form prevents this.Use case, Need tohave a check box field for Explict opt-in/T&Cs and wan...
When you select Progressive profile in Forms 2.0, it creates a field set area for you to drag n' drop all the fields you want to show when returning to the form. Anything out side ...
interesting,Check boxes in Forms 1.0 actual was a check box with a tick, now with Forms 2.0 is yes and no visible values.Do they display like this in all browsers?Not sure if you h...