Re: Flow Step to Block Revisit Notification When Form Submitted

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Flow Step to Block Revisit Notification When Form Submitted

I had a request from our sales team, that when someone submits a form, they receive a form submission notification along with a revisit notification. What would be the best way to set up a process flow to allow them to still see the form submission notificiations while not receiving a revisit notification? We just don't want them to miss out on notifications when someone does come back to our site but doesn't submit a form. 
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Level 10

Re: Flow Step to Block Revisit Notification When Form Submitted

What kind of notification are your sales team getting?
  • is it a Task being generated with a notification?
  • Alert email?
Do you have Marketo Sales Insight? With this you can push Interesting moments to the lead/contact record in your CRM
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Re: Flow Step to Block Revisit Notification When Form Submitted

They are getting alert emails. I'd be in favor of the interesting moments push, but they like seeing the notifications in their inboxes. They just don't like the doubling up, of a revisit alert and a form submission alert.
Level 10

Re: Flow Step to Block Revisit Notification When Form Submitted

so the revisit alert is when the lead is visiting the website?
May have to change your flows to 'only once' or use filter on your triggers to minimum of 1.
Or use batch campaigns with a schedualing for repeat vists to once per day.
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Re: Flow Step to Block Revisit Notification When Form Submitted

That's right. And the "visits web page" trigger is set to any web page min. number of 3 times. So the problem comes up when someone comes back to our site and submits a form. The form submission triggers an alert email, but it also triggers a revisit. What we are looking for is not to be doubling up on alerts. So if they are coming back to our site again and submit a form, our sales team would only get a form submission alert. But if they are just revisiting the site, they would receive a revisit alert. I'm not really sure if there is a solution.
Level 10

Re: Flow Step to Block Revisit Notification When Form Submitted

I'm confused as why your form submission would trigger a revisit, is both built into the same smart campaign or seprate?

If they are sepreate smart campaigns, If a lead has visited twice before and visits a 3rd time and that 3rd visit also filled out a form and you have 2 smart campaigns with Triggers in real time - yes, that sounds expected behaviour by your design.

You have a challenge here, question, how important is the visit alerts to be in real time? Forms yes as its showing explict intent.

Think about using a filter (not trigger) to your multiple visits smart campaign and set up a schedual to process once a day to fire alert emails.