I got the classic switcheroo, its in closed BETA, then this feature requested is not available in general.
Inclosing,I got a 'More on this next week', so maybethat's a positive...
Marketo Purple Hard shell clip on laptop protector for Mac Pro (or Mac Air) with built in light to illuminate Marketo logo like Iron Man's chest plate!!!
As always Justin Norris, fantastic summary!Question around the token folders (since you have or had access to the BETA), are we able to have a folder within a folder in the tokens...
We have this working. In Sugar the field is of course a multi-select but in Marketo I have it as a Text box.We had problems with the sync for a while due to different versions of S...
Your correct. The real engine of Marketo, you will be creating smart campaigns listening to key activities in real time and process them with Interesting Moments.
Bear this in mind, this will add much to your database size for activities in your SFDC if checking all of the above. Only if you're dealing with millions of records, the increase ...