Yup - I have them there. What's the method for creating email templates in the Design Studio with mytokens? Do I manually enter them rather than choosing from the token select list...
Since mytokens can't be accessed in the Design Studio (they're in Marketing Activities), is there a best practice for creating and managing email templates that use mytokens?
Problem solved - I used the V2 editor to create a new template and added an editable section. I was hoping V2 editor had an quicker way to add editable sections. The HTML editor se...
I'm getting this underway in my instance and the V1 email template I'm using has one editable content block - there isn't a dedicated content block for the signature. Do I have to ...
I've read a number of tokenizing articles but couldn't find the answer to this question. I'd like to tokenize the URL for links within emails but have the flexibility of showing di...