I would guess there is an overridden token somewhere in a child folder or program below where you're updating the token in the highest level folder.In your program(s) where you're ...
Do you mean which server pod your instance is hosted? If that's what you mean, you canlook at the URL of your Marketo instance to deduce the data center where your pod is hosted. I...
Hi Shivani!Welcome to the Marketo community! I would recommend first checking out the official Marketo documentation and this Marketo University webinar about creating Engagement P...
Hi Danja,We don't use GTW, however I did a quick search for the GTW adapter documentation, and from what I can tell the only native token that theadapter provides through the integ...
Hi Ronen,The best way we've found is to rely on the web page visit following the email click. Forour audience, I haven't been able to identify large pockets of bot web visitsin the...
Hi!Real-time or continuous syncing for custom audiences via Ad Bridge has been in the works for a while,however today you do have to manually push the audience via the Ad Bridge co...
Looks to me like yourintegration user doesn't have "Create" rights in SFDC since the description specifically calls out the "(Create) Campaign Member" portion of the workflow faili...