Any ideas on how to handle blocking a field update from a particular vendor vs all API integrations? We have a vendor for which we don't trust their data for job title, if we alrea...
I am trying to run a report to check where phone = Mobile.I tried (Mobile Phone Number IS {{lead.Phone Number}}ORPhone IS {{lead.Mobile Phone Number}})AND Phone IS NOT EMPTYThis re...
@Steven_Vanderb3 I don't exactly understand what you are saying the correction would be here. Do we configure this differently from our end or from the BrightTalk side of the house...
This is exactly what I ended up doing. In reality, it was a total of about a dozen additional tokens with negative values, but easy enough to set these up and use these. It just wo...
We are creating a new Lead Scoring Program, but we would like to accommodate for changes in jobs by wiping out the score value for the previous job title, and assigning the score v...
turns out the alias that was created was not created with the ability to send from an external source... note to self, validate others work. Thanks for your insight.
We are trying to send an alert to multiple people, including a string token populated with an email and an alias email in the "Send Alert" flowstep. I was wondering if there are an...