We have a ~4 Million record database, and we routinely run into challenges with the daily 50k API limit, specifically with VidYard and their native Marketo integration...This is ef...
At a previous role we used a similar Account-level field - something like "Business Friendly Name" or something - as the colloquial name of the business should it differ from the n...
Devraj, thanks for the response. I know that all emails should work with Email Insights, but that's clearly not the case. There were no filters in place for content/device/audience...
Hi community friends.Trying to get some salient metrics re: emails sent through nested programs in an engagement stream, but nothing is showing up in my report. See the screenshot ...
Grégoire Michel and Josh Hill we found the bug.Using "Behavior Score is empty" in the segment smart list was not picking up the leads where Behavior Score = NULL. Definitely shou...
I have a stumper and I'm hoping someone has wise words:I built the following Engagement segmentation for a client, but when I approved it I found only about 1/7th of my leads were ...
Yeah, my first inclination when I saw this behavior was to take the variables out of the editable div, which would alter either our design or the method of editing the content for ...
Almost ready to submit a ticket but I figure I'd see if anyone here has worked on the same challenges:We redesigned our email templates to capitalize on the features and functional...
So none of these fields are mapped at all currently, I'll just need to map them to the NEW fields in CRM when our consultant pushes the new fields into production.Jim, I love your ...