Hey Jeremy, if someone unsubscribes using the Marketo system field (you can check that unsubs are going through this by ensuring that the field Unsubscribed in lead info changes to...
Sandboxes aren't free, but I wouldn't pay more than 8% of your database contract cost for one. Also, upon renewal, make sure they aren't counting your sandbox records as part of yo...
It definitely looks like your form might be referencing a boolean field. Values for this field can only be True or False, not sizes as in this case. You might be able to pull the i...
I like Joe's answer here... and it goes to show that there are so many different business cases, and ways of doing things. Not one way is right or wrong, but it's great that we hav...
Ohhhhh, I think I see the issue. They're being pulled into the recast stream after being sent the first email -- which would be expected based on what you've outlined. Anytime you ...
Hey Erin, Engagement Programs will only prevent someone from being sent the exact same email that they've already received -- although I'm not sure what the issue you're really exp...