Well, if those were empty prior to the list import then there was nothing for it to overwrite. Not sure if that's the case, but I'd start by reviewing the Admin section for field p...
I personally have had success with GTW. It's a simple connection, and hasn't given us many headaches in the several years that we've used it. We typically host ~30 webinars/year, e...
Hey Rob, if there are no more than a few thousand names that you want to suppress, I typically find it is easiest to exclude these via email address in the smart list of your campa...
Hey Michael, you can't undo an upload, but it sounds like the field might be blocked from updates. Have you checked in Admin to ensure that the field value isn't blocked from updat...
Hey Mollie, both will receive if you change the cadence. If it isn't too late (it's Thursday, but this might still help for the future), you can run a smart campaign to pause the 4...
Hey Leslie, this has to be coded into the HTML of the landing page, and is likely best done at the template level. You might want to talk to someone who develops custom landing pag...
Yes, and the technical answer that I received from Marketo is that anyone who has a method of being contacted (phone, physical address, or email address) on their record is counted...
Hey Stephanie, another thing to look at is how many duplicates you have in your instance. If you have a lot, then this could be a way to clean up without losing data. And how many ...
Hey Christine, this actually isn't something that can be controlled via workflows. But, I'd look at everything that's coming together to create your score. If they have behavioral ...