Hi Irene, I have seen emails marked as OOB but the person did receive it. Unfortunately it's just up to whatever response the recipient's server sends out at that point. Again -- s...
Hey Irene, [oob] bounces are "out of bounds" which means that it's just the response that the receiving server is returning -- which is completely out of your (or Marketo's) contro...
Hey Aaron, is Dialog what it says when you check Help >> Subscription Info? (Top right corner of your screen.) You might have to reach out to your account manager to get clearer an...
Kevin Haugh the danger of marking Takehiro's answer correct is that potential duplicates who were excluded from the first send due to the fact that they're duplicates will not be e...
I'm noticing a lot of latency with Marketo this morning, so it's likely that they're pending in some type of Marketo limbo. Or, the stats are pending in Marketo limbo.