Dhruti, do you definitively know whether or not someone has registered for the event prior to it occurring? If not, unfortunately there isn't much you can do except to exclude thos...
Hi Jason, if you have someone in a wait step and you deactivate the program, they will not be removed, and will continue to go through all remaining flow steps. By the same token, ...
Hi Aram, in order to get someone into an Engagement Program, there needs to be a smart campaign that inserts them. I'd put the wait step of one week in that smart campaign, so it s...
Hi Shannan, do you have any field visibility rules enabled? I've found that if you add visibilty rules before changing the label name, then the label name change doesn't perpetuate...
Hi Anissa, you can add to or change the Channel Statuses in Admin, and then have smart campaigns that will change their program status based on their activity.
Grant, it looks like it's working in campaigns where the information comes over from SFDC (filled out form somewhere on our site that doesn't use Marketo forms) and the lead was cr...
Has anyone run into this issue before? It's saying that it cannot delete the event because the asset is in use within itself. I have deleted everything from the event except the ev...