Hi Ian, it depends on how you know that someone has renewed. Is there a field in your instance that will change value? If so, then you can just create a triggered smart campaign wh...
Hi Molly, if I remember correctly, at Summit they said that it would be available to all users. Cheryl has mentioned that it's being rolled out across regions, so hopefully you sho...
Hi Erin, similar to what Cheryl suggested, check out Edward Unthank's presentation at Summit... He reviews a concept of "exclusion status" within programs so that you don't necessa...
Ah, so I think the most appopriate thing would be to do a "remove from flow" once they renew. If you have a field for this, you could have a triggered campaign that looks for a dat...
Ian, your post is a little bit confusing, so without knowing your bigger picture objective, it's hard to provide you with the best answer. There is the marketing suspended field wh...
Hi Lourdes, you can also use tokens as you suggested, if you have the lead's rep in their record. You could do {{lead.lead owner first name}} (or similar token, depending on your s...
Hi David,I've got this baked into our landing page template to put the checkbox on the left:label[for=YOURFIELD] { float:right!important; margin-left: 10px!important; width:316px!i...