Within WebEx is there any way to send a confirmation/login information email? I know it bounced the first time, so maybe you could send it to yourself and then forward. If not, may...
Hey Christina, you could send yourself a sample email with his record as the name who you're sending the sample to. Then that email could be forwarded on to him.Before forwarding t...
Hi Pedro,From what I've seen, it will only effect the sending of emails. Other things will occur as expected within your campaigns during that 24 hour window.If you have an example...
Hey Christina,Is the filter that you're unable to edit or remove:Member of Engagement ProgramMember of Engagement Program is anyProgram is 'Engagement Program Name"Stream is not "C...
Hey Lachlan, in addition to the article that Val links to above, we've found that it's very helpful to create your own checklists internally, and ensure that they're used for each ...
I think this would be a really helpful metric, since it's something that we don't currently have any insight into. For anyone who hasn't seen the SilverPop email benchmarks, it's a...
I very much agree with Charlie... Sometimes I find myself spending just a little bit of time answering questions, and other times I wonder if I should be spending more time on my a...
Hi Jessica, if you use the token {{SP_Send_Alert_Info:default=edit me}}, then you will be able to see the campaign information for the alert.Example:Marketo Alert InformationLead: ...