Chris, you could also consider using Forms 2.0 functionality here, and making the content ungated for known records, and unknown records would need to fill in a form to get the con...
I'd ask them to go back and ensure that the pages are properly set up to utilize Marketo's meta data. They shouldn't have been delivered without that working.
Test, Test, Test! And not just on what works best, but also to make sure that the tokens are inserted properly. Here's a screenshot of an email I got from LeadMD this morning...
Hey Tonya, we have a separate unsubscribe link in our emails, but you could say clicked link, and link IS NOT one of the links in your email. Not nearly as easy, but I'm not as fam...
Hi Michael, assets can be stored locally (in Marketing Activities), or globally (in Design Studio), for almost everything. Exceptions I can think of: email programs (the mailbox) r...
Hi Tonya, I would add a filter or trigger (depending how you have it set up) of "clicks/clicked link in email", and then a constraint with your unsubscribe link. Unfortunately, thi...
Hi Melissa, yes. In this case, this will be considered new content. Any email that is not the exact same email as what was previously sent (even cloned emails) are "new" and will b...