Sandy, do you have the rep information in the contact's record? If you do, you have the option of using tokens such as {{lead.lead owner first name}} and {{lead.lead owner email ad...
Hey Kim, not answering your intial question, but do you do this as Programs in the EP, or as individual emails? I might be the only person who was previously unaware of this limita...
Yea, not sure if it applies to your situation, but we have a special notifications list, retail special notifications list, report notifications list, some emails are sent just as ...
This is somewhat unrelated to the fact that you're saying that cookies aren't functioning properly, but is there a specific reason why you are using email address at all if the per...
Justin, have you looked at any of the offending records? It it possible that once programs are archived they won't be counted in these smart lists. That would be the first problem ...
Hey Kim, maybe the footer as well. We mention which list a person is a part of for each mailing in case they wanted to selectively unsubscribe, so this could be a token for each ma...
Hi Jessica, yes, it looks like these are program statuses which someone has set up, and they are changed for the program when a person does a specific action. A smart campaign is d...