Hi Ruud, not sure if you've already figured out what you need to do, but I would upload the new image (not overwriting the current image), and then in the new template replace the ...
As both Josh and Joe said, unfortunately you can't convert them... I'd use this opportunity to consolodate forms (if possible), and use all of the cool new features in forms 2.0 wi...
Eric, could you do a trigger of Data value changes - Contact me=true, and then have a filter of "filled out form" (if that's necessary), then have the remaning flow steps?
Disappointing to see that on the 2012 ideas they were labeled as "We like it", and on the 2013 idea they labeled it as "We like it, but it's challenging"...Just thinking about this...
Hi David, are you trying to do a batch or triggered campaign? If it's a batch campaign, you cannot run a champion/challenger test here -- they only work on triggered campaigns. You...
Hi Jean, the only way that this would happen is if you have a trigger on Engagement Stream B that says "If clicks link in email x", then they can be pulled into that Engagement Str...
Hi Jennifer, in the setup of the program, you can create a SFDC sync that will sync the actions to the corresponding campaign. The one gotcha here is that you can only do a 1:1 lin...
Ahhhhh! Got it. Anyone who is currently sitting in the wait step (anyone who received the first email) will receive the 2nd email, regardless of the new filters that you set -- whi...
Hi Jennifer, yes, this can be done but you will need to update the settings at the end to allow people to flow through multiple times (if you wanted them to receive the email more ...