Karen and Marie, could you use additional conditional visibility fields related to "I want to register another person"? This could potentially solve your issue, but would require s...
Yes. Horribly inconvenient!! As Edward said, we have had to write out all of our subject lines -- even when it would be MUCH simpler and efficient to use tokens. Huge bummer.
If support was sure about their answer, I guess I'd go with that. Maybe call back and ask another person, though? 🙂 I've gotten different answers depending on who I spoke with in ...
Ah, yea... Erik's idea would also work. I'm just not sure how spacing would work if you had something like:Address: My Place 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345And wan...
Hey Val, if it's in the same engagement program, you don't need to do multiple smart campaigns for the send. The filter "Member of Engagement Program" will catch them all, as long ...
Yea... gotta love the workarounds 🙂 So Delinda's idea would be required, but you'd also need to have the value of the alternate email stored in each record to avoid making a bazil...
Not a complete solution, but if Marketo supported wildcards you might be able to do it in a contains "* *" fashion... I just voted up an idea here:https://community.marketo.com/Mar...
Hi Vikki, unfortunately this cannot be updated. If you contact Marketo support, they may be able to cancel the send and then you can schedule a new send to anyone who didn't receiv...
Agh. Found one of the threads, and it looks like they've deleted the article. But this also contains an email address where we can send issue links.https://community.marketo.com/Ma...