OK, I saw this. But this is just allowing a view of the mobile version of a landing page against the desktop version (not even showing how the desktop version will look on mobile -...
It would be extremely useful if advanced filter logic - just like you can use in smart lists - was available within Revenue Cycle Explorer (RCE). For example, when running an "Emai...
That actually works today (sort of) - but only if you insert images/files by dragging the image icon from the right toolbox area into your email or landing page. If you're like us,...
We just experienced a failed "MQL alert" to a specific marketer as a result of the lead not being able to be synced to CRM properly ("Failed employee with key [employee name] not f...
I'm wondering if this is yet another case for having to refresh your browser after making some of these changes prior to taking action. I'm finding that we're being asked to refres...
That's expected behavior of snippets - to not edit them. If you do edit a snippet, it's replicated across every asset that uses that snippet.But it sounds like you're looking for t...
Do you have multiple workspaces? Is the smart campaign within a program or in the Lead Database section? If it's within a program, smart campaign names do not need to be unique sin...