Jim - does the script below not work for you? Our site no longer uses iframed marketo forms - we use embedded forms now. The code I posted below is what we used.
Just to make sure it's clear, the actual behavior/program statuses (like form fill-out) are contained locally within our programs. Leads only proceed in our central lead lifecycle ...
If you have the appropriate lead lifecycle campaigns developed in Marketo (I've included our example below), you can add specific wait steps after the initial alerts have been sent...
For us, it sometimes takes up to an hour for the link value to be captured/indexed by Marketo - and made available within the drop-down list of the trigger.
We have a few landing pages that contain white text (e.g., overlaying a top banner). When editing the text, it's invisible in the editor - we essentially need to edit it in code vi...
We ran into this issue since archiving or "deactivating" them still goes against your allowable limit. We opened a ticket with Support and we received another batch of EP credits f...
You can still create values like "marketing source" by creating custom fields to store these values (that would also need to be contained in your spreadsheet). What I'm referring t...
Another important item you'll want to consider is, when you import the leads, they really shouldn't be assigned to a specific Acquisition Program yet (unless your uploading a list ...
These folder are definitely not locked down. What format are these images (PNG, GIF, JPG)? Are you receiving any alerts/notifications from Marketo when uploading the files?