Not sure if this applies to everyone since we have opted for the separate social add-on features onto our subscription. We've created a new YouTube Video asset so that it can be em...
Are you filtering for this email click within the smart list of a smart campaign? If so, you cannot use tokens in the smart lists of smart campaigns. Although I would love for this...
You can definitely use tokens in the "other" email field of a "send alert" flow step - like this:But you cannot use tokens anywhere within the smart list of a smart campaign. There...
Related to the missing IP address, there are also those instances when you send a sample/test, but nobody receives it. Only to realize that the footer with the unsubscribe link is ...
Agree - I'm familiar with the basic approach here. It sounded like there was some urgency around this and wanted to set the expectation that - without js - your options are very li...
Sounds like the majority of this activity will be anonymous, correct? If so, then your options are pretty limited on what you can report out of Marketo - and even more so after nex...