The best value for your money is Email-on-Acid: Litmus is the leader in this space, but more expensive than EoA: Litmus: Email Marketing, ...
We run into the same situation often - since we do a lot of events. These sorts of fields are just used/needed for each event, and if they get overwritten for a future event, that'...
If you do decide to manually transfer program membership like Devraj stated, just keep in mind that the date of membership is the date that you import those names to those programs...
Some of our marketers in Europe (e.g., Spain, Italy) are experiencing issues when exporting lists/views from Marketo as CSV files. When opening the file in Excel, there is a single...
Hi Rachel - we don't use the pre-fill functionality on the embedded forms on our website. Even if the capability worked for embedded forms (without the customization), we would onl...
We use UTM parameters religiously for all of our paid social/advertising campaigns. However, when users visit our central content landing pages (which are used for campaigns as wel...