We've been asking for this for quite a while now. Fortunately, I've had a few calls with the Marketo PMs (specifically John Dictson) as they look to enhance/overhaul the lead activ...
That's great news, David. Especially after the idea was marked as "maybe one day" (vs. "we like it"), which usually means "this isn't on our roadmap, so don't get your hopes up".
In my example, this specific field is one that continuously toggles between true/false in CRM. Currently the value is TRUE. My use case in the idea above was to not do anything unt...
Hi Greg - I actually came across this and decided to create a new one that included a broader scope; and was more current (that one is from 2014). I agree - this would alleviate ma...
We've run into a scenario where we need to include a wait step so that an alert isn't sent out prematurely after a specific triggered activity. In this case, the alert cannot be se...
We're looking forward to finally using the Predictive Content capabilities is Marketo. Unfortunately, for our video content, Marketo will be unable to include it among the other co...