Be careful here, Gary. You don't want to DELETE the leads, but rather REMOVE FROM LIST. If you opt for the former, you'll be deleting the leads from the database, not just the list...
Greg, it doesn't sound like he's using either. I read this as being Marketo forms embedded on their external website pages. Our Sitecore CMS developers have similarly complained in...
There's an existing idea around this - but it's from 2013 () and I don't feel it's getting the visibility needed to get Marketo's product team to once again consider "fixing" this ...
That's one of the first things we do when cloning a program - is delete the list (or more specifically, delete the leads from the list). The list itself may be necessary as it's re...
Absolutely! Anything that extends the capabilities in Marketo to provide an account-centric view of engagement, the better. Not only do we go-to-market against specific/named accou...
I think this is a great interim solution, Liz. As long as there's a reference to the parent from a child (locked) idea - and vice versa, so others can view the additional info that...