Every now and then, Support posts an important announcement in the Support section of the community - that may go unnoticed by many members. This is one of them as it could affect ...
Craig - I believe you're limited to only two emails when testing "whole emails". Unlike other tests - like "subject line" testing - there's not "+" icon to add more test variants.
Do you have an extremely large sample size? I only ask because it may be difficult to evaluate the most successful email with such a large number of test variants. Even with a larg...
That's a very good point, Dory - and a common scenario that many don't take into consideration. On the other hand, if the recipient had received 2 non-operational emails within tha...
Use inactivity filters for this: like “not clicked in any email” filter. Keep “opens” out of the equation since they‘re so unreliable. Just know that automated spam bots will proba...
We've tried using reoccurring batch campaigns, but came to find out from our On24 support that webhook can only be fired from trigger campaigns, so that won't workKaitlyn, one way ...
And thank you, Dave - for your willingness and persistence to try to find a solution here. It's members like you who make the Marketo Nation community so valuable!
Hi Dave - yes, we have taken a look at M-Clean (including a demo). It looks like a promising solution. Especially for the fact that you can initiate many of the cleanup "calls" dir...