Edward, the only assets that can be shared across workspaces are the following:
landing page TEMPLATES
smart lists
static lists
smart campaigns
You cannot...
I cloned the "CMM Email Alert" into the "move me" folder within the program. Not only can I not move this "move me" folder to another workspace, but I cannot even move it anywhere ...
You can only share email TEMPLATES, not actual emails, across workspaces. Since you cannot do either of these (share emails or clone emails),this is one of manylimitations thatmake...
Rather than re-create an entire email from scratch (based on a shared template in our global workspace), I want to clone it to a different workspace. I have proceeded to clone the ...
BTW, when these bugs/issues are identified, can Marketo alert its customers so that they refrain from using these capabilities/features until they have been fixed?
I did, Cheryl, but was just wondering if anyone had experienced this in the meantime. I just received this from Support: "This was a bug that was escalated to Engineers and fixed l...
We included an A/B test for an email program last week. Subject line (B) was the clear winner, yet Marketo identified subject line (A) as the winner. I’m assuming then that Marketo...
Thanks Josh. I opened up a Support ticket last week with Support - hopefully they'll eventually provide some additional insight. This campaign was sent last Tuesday, so there's cer...
Elliott - correct, and that's what we've been doing to get the additional insight. I've basically come to the point where it just makes sense to use traditional programs for an ema...