This gets tricky when you do everything like this in a single program. Also makes it difficult to count "success" after that first one is met. Instead, you should create unique pro...
Interesting. We too are trying to get creative due to how some of the default functionality is lacking in MSI. For example, rather than use the "add to campaign" feature of MSI (wh...
Thanks for the detail, Trevor. What you explain is what I've already tried - and still get this:I've already asked to Support to confirm if they really enabled - it doesn't seem li...
Hi Trevor - Support claims they set this up for us (linking our production and sandbox accounts). Yet I see no additional profiles from the drop-down at the top. Nor do I see any w...
Have a look here:Creating email templates Marketo's email and landing page templates contain proprietary code for them to work properly within Marketo. You can either start from sc...
Boy, I wish these were just scare tactics - but they're not. These points are close to becoming reality for the majority of digital marketers. I guess our only hope is with the ePr...
Sounds like they're being sent to quarantine - which is what was happening to us (we were in similar situation as you a couple months back). Have a look at the details I provided h...
Thanks for sharing, Macarena. These points are super important and relevant for almost all of Marketo’s customers (even if businesses don’t operate in the EU). As I’ve been saying,...