Based on this help article, it states "Visitors who use that URL will be recognized and tokens will work properly." But from what I understand, visitors who use PURLs are not track...
We rely on the “used by” field of all of our assets to help us determine if it’s OK to delete an asset without it affecting any dependent assets. We also use this information shoul...
So it sounds like my only option is to clone the ENTIRE program into a temporary folder, move that folder to desired workspace and then clone the desired asset into the other progr...
We're working on an approach where we are using the same landing page/form for all of our channels of a multi-channel program. And then based on a "Channel ID" querystring (that ge...
We've had issues when using Form 2.0 when IE10/IE11 are running in compatibility mode. Once disabled, the forms behaved as expected. Obviously this isn't something you can ask your...
Edward, the only assets that can be shared across workspaces are the following:
landing page TEMPLATES
smart lists
static lists
smart campaigns
You cannot...
I cloned the "CMM Email Alert" into the "move me" folder within the program. Not only can I not move this "move me" folder to another workspace, but I cannot even move it anywhere ...
You can only share email TEMPLATES, not actual emails, across workspaces. Since you cannot do either of these (share emails or clone emails),this is one of manylimitations thatmake...