You need to edit the page in your instance that is UnsubscribePage and make it how you want it to look. You could delete it and start again, just make sure it points to Unsubscribe...
"If this has been modified, then it won't work."I'm not sure what you mean by this. As long as the URL terminates in UnsubscribePage.html then it will work.For example, you are fre...
I *think* you might be referring to the automatically appended paragraph of opt-out text at the bottom of an email (customised in Admin / Email), which disappears when you make an ...
I can't help you specifically but I've heard people flippantly say that just about all results from Baidu are paid.Essentially it is 90% paid SERP and 10% organic, if that.
Or the 'Preview Email / View by Lead' function. (when this is the most helpful thing you can add to a thread because the rest has been covered off so thoroughly)
The status code only refers to the fact that the endpoint is valid, not whether a success has been reached. In other words, a failed API call still returns a 200 response.
I bet Greg (impossible to tag) knows whether a person who opens the same email twice would actually be counted in this context. I have a suspicion that a person cannot open the sam...