I have an embedded form.I would like to use both the known lead custom HTML ("Welcome back {{lead.FirstName}}").I would also like to include an additional enquiry form.. Can I some...
#foreach($variable in $variable_cList)#if(${variable.variableName1} == "A" && ${variable.variableName2} != "B")#set($matched = ${variable.variableID}) <p>Your HTML - Show content A...
I'm glad that helped.Also, for anyone else reading this: SimpleDateFormat (Java Platform SE 7 )I think this is a really useful guide to date formats worth bookmarking.
I can't remember the name for it, but it would always start with a lower case letter, with each subsequent word using an upper case letter. it's also:{{system.viewAsWebpageLink}}
Hi Lisa,Here is one way. 1. Create a local asset that is a list and call it "leads I want to unsub".2. Create a smart campaign that is based on a trigger, "Added to list", with the...
The first matching choice will be the one that is used in the flow step. So in your example, if someone clicks link in email (any), then they'd be in the "filled out form" status. ...