try emailing support@marketo.comThere is a function that Marketo can use to extract it from the backend, but it does take some time.. it may well be a paid engagement with Marketo ...
that's an interesting idea, but I wonder about the idea that people even put their work email address in anyway given that you need to have your personal email address follow you t...
I see a problem because of the way you're sorting the records, and expecting there to be no records in the time period between when the initial record is created and when you want ...
Also, if you run the campaign immediately the object is updated via a trigger, you can use the trigger.object to reference in your email script and process the CO in a linear fashi...
So the idea is that the eventDate is not created immediately? Otherwise I'd say you'd run the campaign immediately the eventDate was updated (Added to Custom Object, Constraint: Ev...
You can ask to have your new Community profile merged with your existing community profile when the switch is made. Happy to collaborate.. what's next? The UI piece, ie, sliders an...
You could put a different form on the follow-up page (and hide the submit button with CSS). This will allow you to use visibility rules on rich text sections. I may not be followin...
I just went to see if Zapier had an action for either WhatsApp or Twilio - the former, nothing, the latter didn't feature a WhatsApp integration. I wouldn't be surprised if both Wh...