Hi Ron,Here's what I've used in the past:We created fields for everything we wanted to log and then pulled it from either the referrer or the URL.This will really depend on what yo...
Hi Matt,A trigger only occurs WHEN the change happens. If you're trying to fire this on someone who already has the status you'll need to turn it into a Batch campaign by removing ...
Hi Les,No, reporting is not what you'd want it to be. I think Marketo realizes this and is working on improving the analytics suite.That being said, try and use your preferred anal...
Hi Ron,You'll notice that there's no way to change the data value of an Opportunity record anywhere in Marketo. That's because the Opportunity information should always be dictated...
Hi Nathaniel,Not in the template. If you've done it once you can clone the email and the snippet will be in there automatically.Also, you could put the default code into the editab...
Hi Clare,In Velocity, what approaches it is [$date.full_date]. If you want to take the more customized approach, take a look at this and adjust where you need to.#set ( $dateObj = ...
Hi Vlada,The biggest advantage of using templates is that you only have to inline them once. The template can then be reused over and over again in the way it is (inline).When crea...
Hi Josh,Does that mean that you recommend creating 7 Smart Cmapaigns with 1 Choice Step over 1 Smart Campaign with 7 Choice Steps (provided they're heavily used)?
From my personal experience I have noticed that in some cases it can take a while before the link is added. Click it a couple of times, wait an hour and then it should appear.