So Should I create a flow step after a lead fills out a form to populate the last form they filled out? Would this require me creating a new custom field?For example, create a new ...
This is what I'm trying to do:Smart List: Fills Out Form is ANYFlow: Sync Person to SFDCIf State is ABC sync to LeadOwner1If State is XYZ sync to LeadOwner2Right now we're doing le...
I'm not trying to change a data value though, I just want the Form Name to automatically populate on an alert email that goes out to lead owners after a form is filled out.Ex:ALERT...
Here's my setup Sanford WhitemanSmart List: Fills Out Form is ANYFlow: Sync Person to SFDC If State is ABC sync to LeadOwner1If State is XYZ sync to LeadOwner2Right now we're doin...
What does this token actually do? I though it would populate the last form a lead filled out, but after testing it about a dozen times it keeps bringing up an older form - so does ...