Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

Level 8

{{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

What does this token actually do? I though it would populate the last form a lead filled out, but after testing it about a dozen times it keeps bringing up an older form - so does this token populate the first form a lead has filled out?

I'm trying to create a master lead assignment campaign that sends out a master alert with a subject line of "New Lead: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}" unfortunately it's not working how I imagined - perhaps there's another token that could help?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

This token populates when you populate it, i.e. with the {{Trigger.Name}} token in a Fills Out Form trigger.

Level 8

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

Here's my setup Sanford Whiteman

Smart List: Fills Out Form is ANY

Flow: Sync Person to SFDC

  • If State is ABC sync to LeadOwner1
  • If State is XYZ sync to LeadOwner2

Right now we're doing lead assignment campaigns at a per-program level, which was fine in the beginning when we didn't have as many programs but now it's starting to become a real problem. For Example, if the State's are remapped, I have to go back to every single active program and modify each campaign, or if LeadOwner2 leaves and LeadOwner3 comes in, I have to go back and remap that as well.

What's the best way to set up a Master Lead Assignment smart campaign?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

This sounds like it should be a new thread.

Level 8

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

I tried your suggestion but I'm getting an error


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

You can't use tokens to match trigger or filter conditions.

I'm referring to the Change Data Value Flow step. That's how you manage this field (i.e. lead token) value.

Level 8

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

I'm not trying to change a data value though, I just want the Form Name to automatically populate on an alert email that goes out to lead owners after a form is filled out.


ALERT: New Lead from <Form Name Here>

I tried using the Filled Out Form token and tested it on multiple forms but it keeps populating the same form name, I'm not sure where it's pulling this form from I think it might be the first form the lead ever filled out, whereas I would like the LAST form they filled out to populate in the alert.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

You 100% are trying to change a data value!

That token you're trying to embed is a lead field. Fields are data values.

I've described above how to set the value of such a field as form activities come in.

Level 8

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

So Should I create a flow step after a lead fills out a form to populate the last form they filled out? Would this require me creating a new custom field?

For example, create a new custom field called "Last Form Filled Out", then use a change data value to populate that field name, and then use the {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}} in the subject line of an email and it should populate correctly?

I'm guessing this would require some kind of wait step then? As the new custom field would need to populate first and then an alert email could be sent out with the correct form info?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{lead.Form Fill Out:default=edit me}}

Yes, a custom field. The one you currently have or another one, if you want to preserve the first fillout permanently.

No, you don't need a wait step here. The CDV will execute synchronously within the flow.