Hi Ben,It wil run everyday and qualify leads according to the qualification rules set in the schedule. If you want it to decrement daily, set it to Leads can go through the flow ev...
Hey David,This can happen if there are multiple user records with the same First Name and Last Name. This causes the lookup from the flow step to fail. The solution is to merge, de...
Hi Kelly,The Created field in Marketo refers to when the Marketo-side record was created, which will not always match the SFDC record. For example, if the SFDC record was created p...
Hi Shannan,Which popup are you referring to? Is it the List Impot Widget? If so, you can go to the list and select List Actions > Show Import Status to get the widget back.
Hey Corey,You can include this token in the email, {{lead.Last Interesting Moment Desc}}. Make sure you have the Send Alert flow step after the interesting moment, as the token gra...
Yes you can do a more specific comparison, you would just do this instead:
MktoForms2.whenReady( function(form) {
var today = new Date(); //set the current date