Hey David,Marketo has several AB testing features out of the box. You can check them out here(https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000LC8FCAW) and here(https://c...
Hey Jessica,For cases like this, you can also use right-click>paste as plain text. This will paste without any formatting or additional markup, and let you skip the notepad step.
There are some very slight differences, such as the ability to prefill forms, or use progressive profiling, but choosing to use your existing CMS instead of Marketo landing page fu...
Hey Jessica,You'll need to implement some custom code to do this using the forms 2.0 API(http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/websites/forms-2-0/). It would look something l...
Ah I see now. You need to activate the campaign before it can be requested via the API. You can see in the get campaign response: ["active"] = bool(false) You'll need to go to the ...
Hey Daniel,Are you using/rest/v1/campaigns/2282/trigger.json as your URI? If you could possibly provide a copy of the request that would be useful as well.
Hey Daniel,This is an API user permissions error:Authentication is successful but user doesn't have sufficient permission to call this API. This means that the User which was provi...
Hey Alex,It looks like on that site, you're using an incompatibel version of jQuery, so the munchkin event is not firing. Munchkin.js only support version 1.3.* to 1.8.* of jQuery,...