Hi Jackie,This is what's called 'Durable Unsubscribe' If a lead in your instance has unsubscribed set to true, any other records which are added to your instance with the same emai...
Hi Michelle,It's difficult to say without having a live example. It's possible that your munchkin code is set up incorrectly, or a number of other possibiltiy with the smart campai...
Hey Loulia,Have you checked the settings on the LP itself. When you embed the form on a page, you'e given three options for the follow-up behavior, Stay on Page, a URL, or the Form...
Hi Cory,If you're using a Marketo Landing Page for your form, it is recommended to add the form to the page directly instead of using the HTML embed code. If you need to add custom...
Hi Michael,Are you using Chrome? If so, this is a known bug with the link editor. You can take one of two paths for this. Edit the HTML of the section and wrap the image in an anch...