Hey Charlie,You'll want to use the addHiddenFields method of the form like so:MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-ab02.marketo.com", "xxx-xxx-xxx", xxxx, function(form){
Hey Eric,You'll need to figure out a way to perform a merge on the resulting records. This can be done via the mergeLeads SOAP call(http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/soap...
Hey Cecile,If you're using the embed code for Forms 2, it will default to using the protocol which the parent page used, and you won't need to make any customizations for this.
Hey Ralph,Your if statement probably isn't evaluating correctly. I would switch to using the onSubmit callback(http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/websites/forms-2-0/) for ...
Hi Matthew,If your page names are descriptive, the {{trigger.Web Page}} token would be ideal for this:https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000KywJCAS#fills-out-f...
Hey Charles,If you don't have a selector for the editor, this means your instance was provisioned after the release of Forms 2, so the Forms 1 editor is unavailable.