Hi Daniel,Support can perform configuration-only copies from one instance to another for you, this includes all custom fields, programs, templates...etc. but does not include any r...
Hi Tad,Any information you're seeing regarding Munchkin's jQuery dependency is outdated. Munchkin no longer relies on any version of jQuery. Landing pages do, however, load v1.7.1....
Hi Runn,Are you sure you have the correct host set? Your instance might not be at app-sjl.marketo.com. Use the host that you have when you log in to Marketo.
Hi Hiroshi,If you have a Wordpress ID field, you can use the Rest API to designate this as your lookUpfield for updates. However, you will first need to populate this field into Ma...
Hey Courtney,You can do this through the API, replacing My Tokens in a program with customized content from your imported file:http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/rest/impo...