Since this idea was posted, many date-related issues have been fixed. If anyone is still observing issues like this, they should seek resolution with Adobe Support.
No plans to add multiple conditions per step choice, but as noted previously there a re few ways to accomplish this use case, and the upcoming execute campaign feature should make ...
We have no plans to extend areas where velocity tokens can be used, but we have some things on the horizon which should be a significant improvement on existing webhooks.
Is there some reason you can't get this data using bulk extract and retrieving the acquisition program id on a daily/weekly pull? Not sure I'm reading your use case correctly, but ...
In late 2020, Apple announced their intent toadd a new feature to their Intelligent Tracking Prevention implementationin SafaricalledCNAME Cloaking Defense, to be rolled out with t...
Deprecation of Email V1 beganalmosttwo years agoand beginning with theMarchmaintenancerelease to London & Netherlands subscriptions onMarch 17th, 2021and all other subscriptions on...
Beginning on2020-05-07,Marketowill start to roll out version 159 of the MunchkinJavaScriptClient. Subscriptions which have theMunchkin Beta flag enabledwill see changes from this ...