We are sending emails to people that have data coming from SFDC in a custom field that look like this. Easchie leads has different values we want to present those as a table.<table...
Hi DanUnfortunately we have not. From what I have been told, only the UK has an official body that handles this where you can pay a subscription to validate the numbers. It is call...
Hello ChrisHow are you managing to pass the opt-in (GDPR) request from a LinkedIn Lead Gen form to Marketo? is this via a custom field? have you been able to map it?Do you know if ...
Hi Frank: How does Linkedin passed the opt-in answer back to marketo? I am not seeing the field on the field mapping between the two systems? Probaly missing some config somewhere.
Hey Keith, are you referring to the Forms Editor in Marketo or Chrome? I cannot find any setting in Marketo to turn off the autocomplete. Can you share a picture if it is Marketo.T...
We also want to be enable to exclude from the metrics, emails such as auto-responders or event follow up emails that just say thanks for attending. Those email tend to have much hi...