Thanks. I tried the Data Value Change approach and it didn't work (using the constraint "Reason contains list unsubscribe"). Maybe we don't have some kind of tracking in place? How...
Hi Amit,Clarifying this comment: "These unsubs through list-unsubscribe header will not show up in the native email performance report."Are you saying that these people are NOT cou...
Thanks for such a prompt response. But there is no direct way to report on the people who use list-unsubscribe, correct? We are noticing mostly because we are tracking our unsubscr...
We have been digging into our unsubscribe sources and noticed a significant amount are coming from list-unsubscribe. For the people who unsubscribe using the list-unsubscribe heade...
Thanks Michelle, it's too bad that this feature acan't be more customized. As a result of the awkward user experience, we've chosen not to implement it. We just can't risk having e...
When using the Forward To A Friend feature, is there a way to add a custom message to the recipient? And a from field? While testing out this feature I noticed that when I receive ...