I think you just have to build out the campaign with the logic you want. It sounds like you have the connector setup, but just need to build a Smart Campaign. Marketo has Webinar C...
It would be helpful to understand a little about the industry. Are you recycling in the same programs? I would suggest that I would market to a past customer and someone who didn't...
Have you tried a tool like EmailonAcid? Depending on how you build them out, different email clients and a variety of other factors will affect how an email is presented.
Hi Jamie, have you thought about using a Consultant to help you with the project? Our team at Salytics is a Gold Digital Services Partner of Marketo and we have 7 Marketo Certified...
"Notice how they are all uniquely named. You can have duplicate (simpler) names of folders INSIDE programs, but not at the root of the tree."Best Practice: How to Organize your Pro...
What is Stream 1? A purely separate nurture stream or is it used elsewhere as well? It could be activating in some other way. ie. A separate batch campaign running daily.You could ...
Hi Michalene, if you are looking for something custom, our team here at Salytics can help develop them. Otherwise, Pierce Ujjainwalla and knak. | Responsive Marketo and Landing Pa...
Ah ok, that was my initial reaction but it would definitely go against best practice. Typically on a Landing Page, the goal is to focus on one CTA (filling out the form).In order t...
Hi Reid,I need a little more information on what you are trying to accomplish. Are you just trying to add a Comment Field to a Form on your landing page?ie.First Name: ____________...