Hello,I have a Many to Many setup, this is not the real case but imagine I have my CO bridge as email and Course. Then I have an edge CO with Course and availability.Email |<--> | ...
The idea here is create an interface , in this case Google document, suitable for someone that doesn't know anything about Martketo, APIs or anything, so it just fills up the copy,...
not showing/ Iterate through each row (skip header row)
for (var i = 1; i <= numIterations; i++) {
// Get the values for the current row
var program = encodeURIComponent(...
I found the solution, I think it was a long night...DON't do that// Create the API endpoint URL with placeholders
var apiUrl = "https://xxx-xxx-xx.mktorest.com/rest/asset/v1/folder...
I haven't chosen the client, the thing is that copy writers would't use Postman or Mulesoft, but instead a Google document. The idea was not to make marketing people to go to an AP...
I am wondering why the tokens through API should be passed as POST x-www-form-urlencoded ONLY, and not as JSON. This brings many issues. One issue, among others, is when you encode...
This is exactly what I am talking about.
The thing is the URL is not external the laguages are in just an UTM, I really need Marketo to do that!