Hey all! I've got a question that I hope you can help with. I use Marketo to send my customers badges for completing certain criteria within our system. Here's a high-level overvie...
My designer creates each of our emails manually (versus creating a Marketo template). I'd like to be able to use Marketo tokens in the email. I'm sure I can do this easily, I just ...
Thank you Dave! I'll give these suggestions a try. Honestly, I've resorted to just making sure I use Shift+Return instead of just Return from within an email. Seems to help.
Hi Dayna,I get that, but I honestly don't think that is the issue (I'm fairly technical). I sent a test email to myself and viewed on Mac, Chrome (latest version), Gmail. It render...
Guys - am I the only one having line spacing issues with the email editor? I create an email and it renders correctly. Then when I preview or send myself a test, they are missing l...
I did, and I am an admin. The only options I have is to select New orLegacy on "Email editor version", and to check or uncheck "Enable Marketostarter templates".Joey Taralson | Hea...
Honestly, I don't even know how to change Email Editor settings. I go tosettings, and this is the only option I receive:Joey Taralson | Head of User Acquisition & Growth @Flipgrid<...