We have over 40 RTP Campaigns in our instance and are always adding more to create the best personalized site we can. Because there is no option to archive, it is becoming cumberso...
I've worked in ExactTarget before and they have this feature. How it worked is that within the current email you could see what template was being used and there was an 'change tem...
I would love to have this audit trail capability and would hope that Marketo developers would make this a top a priority. Many of my team members have experience in other email mar...
Is there an update on these capabilities? We are very excited to see what can be done. Many of my team members worked in ExactTarget, which had capablities similar to what we are a...
I'd like to be able to write a little note to those who I am sending the test email to. There is sometimes confusion when our users send test emails and the approvers don't know it...