Agreed 100% on timestamping so you have a data point to use in reporting down the road.But also, in the future it will help you prove any accelerated velocity through the funnel as...
Key callout is that it is based on the timezone of your instance, not the end user's time.Per Day is based on the calendar day in the subscription time zone. (midnight-midnight)
After updating the sync (API) user and then further updating the MSI password, I was able to get it working.It did require a SFDC full admin to update the MSI configuration FYI.
Discovered this error while fishing in SFDC.Thoughts?Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: 20014 - Authentication failed faultcode=SOAP-ENV:Client faultacto...
Marketo is not syncing with any lead or contact in SFDC. Interesting Moments, Web Activity, Score and Email are not displaying. Has anyone experienced this and/or know of a resolut...